Evidence-Based, Simplified Nutrition and Lifestyle Strategies


Gut Health


Candida: Causes, Symptoms & Supports

[ez-toc]   An Introduction to Candida: What is it? In this article, we will explore the details of what Candida is, how it can become a problem, why it can negatively affect your health, what to look for, and how to determine if you have it.   Candida albicans can...

Microblog: Detox – Kidney and Bladder

SIGNS OF KIDNEY IMBALANCE✖️General weakness and malaise✖️Bad or potent breath✖️Metallic taste (different than keto breath)✖️Get colds pretty easily✖️Burning sensation during urination (can be similar to UTIs)✖️Frequent urination✖️Increased blood pressure✖️Swelling and inflammationFACTORS THAT CAUSE KIDNEY...